The lovely Berlicum carrots
November 2020 avoid unnecessary jobs, ease into winter, make new beds, love your fungi

31st October 2020 Autumn, Featured

Prepare for winter with a clear mind. Beware the seasonal misunderstandings which take root from misleading information. They waste your time and cost you money. My quotes below are to give you an ide

New planting 13th October of lambs lettuce or corn salad
October 2020 mid month – make compost, clear ground, brassica insects, vegetables for spring, seeds, fungi, insects

14th October 2020 Autumn, Featured

The transition from summer to winter vegetables is almost complete. It’s both sad and exciting: we just ate the first celeriac, yet still have tomatoes ripening in boxes. There have been cool ni

20th September, second plantings right
October 2020 autumn harvests, new planting under cover, composting wood chips, diseases

29th September 2020 Autumn, Featured

It’s a stark difference between the remains of summer in late September, and an entry to winter by 31st. I notice while picking salads every week, how leaves from the same plants become thinner, pal

Drone view no dig garden
Mid September sow & plant, no dig & nutrients, squash maturity, myths, harvests

14th September 2020 Autumn, Featured

We should continue to see strong growth for another month, until daylight levels fall off a cliff in late October. If you are still sowing seeds, every day now counts for a lot, so don’t delay (see

September 2020 no dig, new book, interplant, sow, space, pests, apple(s)

30th August 2020 Autumn, Featured

Growth this summer has been strong and abundant, with few weeds thanks to no dig. The garden is full, but we are still finding just enough gaps to set out new plants, and making new sowings in trays,

drone view Homeacres no dig 22nd July
August 2020 fast growth, succession plantings, onion harvest tips, compost quandaries, sowings now and soon

25th July 2020 Featured, Summer

It’s a rainstorm as I write and I am grateful for it. Before today, July’s total rainfall was 29mm/1.2in and after this storm it’s 46mm/1.8in. Still below average. We have been water

Leek plants laid in four rows
July update 12th, prune squash, sow more & transplant leeks, make compost, onion and potato readiness, path mulch

12th July 2020 Featured, Summer

It’s speeding up now, but growth has been slowed by the weather here. A cool two weeks until 10th July saw daytime maxima always under 20C 68F and averaging 18.5C 65F, with just 4.5 hours sunshi

Athena di Polka F1 courgette zucchini
July 2020 summer unfolds with more sowings, interplanting, weeds to hoe or pull, seeds to save, potato harvests and beware pyralids

27th June 2020 Featured, Summer

June has been warm and with mixed weather, including decent rainfall! of 107mm so far. Rain in June is the best of any month, after the surge of growth in spring. At Homeacres it has rescued my peas,

View 7th June of where we filmed
June mid month new picking and plantings, intersowing carrots, making and using composts, pyralid weedkiller hidden in composts

13th June 2020 Featured, Summer

The weather is cooler and damper than May, but only 28mm/1.1in rain here so far. The soil under growing plants is still dusty – but some of you have had big rain, even too much. “A drippin

Companion planting with fennel
June 2020 extreme weather, early harvests, mulching, no dig garlic, webinars, insects, keep sowing, problems with bought composts

30th May 2020 Featured, Summer

May was the driest ever month here, in 47 years of my records. 1990 came close with 4mm rain compared to 3.2mm (0.13in) in May 2020. In the last 20 years, the previous driest May was 2010 with 34mm, s

Broad beans stake and string support
May 2020 update, fast new growth but frost returns, sowing methods, pea supports, compost heaps, carrots, slugs & flea beetles

11th May 2020 Featured, Spring

We just had a week of summer weather, now winter returns briefly. Old weather lore refers to the ice nights of 11th-13th May! I hope you can cover potatoes enough to protect them, and any other frost

Cover with radish and carrot pushing it up
May 2020, propagate, pick, water, pests, no dig, clear to replant, new sowings

29th April 2020 Featured, Spring

April in the UK has been kind to gardeners, unusually warm and sunny, and now there is rain. I hope it’s springlike elsewhere, or nicely autumnal in the southern hemisphere. Gardening is at leas

Variable quality of radish seed
April update of seasonal no dig tips and for new gardeners, seed quality and saving

13th April 2020 Featured, Spring

For those starting now, I wish you well. It’s never too late to make a bed or two, and new plantings continue until autumn, so take heart. My latest video has many tips for transplanting, after a qu

Broad beans flowering, sown November
April 2020 no dig methods to sow and plant, transplant size, what is compost, keep sowing

29th March 2020 Featured, Spring

There is now an epic amount of interest in food growing, and this is seasonal advice. Also about starting out. It’s based on no dig and seasonal methods, keeping things simple and in a well info

Overwintered spinach and Broad bean plants
Mid March 2020, catch weeds tiny, set seedlings deep, sowing no dig, weather now live

12th March 2020 Featured, Spring

It’s mild weather here and growth is way ahead of normal. We have not yet finished pruning apple and pear trees, roses and penstemons. Plus new weeds are germinating. It’s time for that first ligh

Charles Dowding no dig salad plants already picked many times, February polytunnel
Mid February the sun is climbing, first sowings under cover, potato varieties, climate zones, Q & A

12th February 2020 Featured, Winter

I can feel the energy as daylight increases rapidly. In just one week here, we gain 23 minutes between sunrise and sunset, plus the sun’s arc is noticeably higher. For undercover sowings, this means

Winter broccoli and parsley
February 2020, not spring yet, no dig compost, Q & A vegetable growing

26th January 2020 Featured, Winter

February, hold your horses. No sowing just yet. Make the first undercover sowings after mid month and even then no rush. Meanwhile here is a cheerful thought – If winter comes, can spring be far

January 2020 plenty to see, eat and learn, mulch if you have not already

5th January 2020 Featured, Winter

ND3 New decade, no dig, no dogma. If you aren’t yet using the no dig method, now is a fine time to start – cover the weeds, feed the soil. Then you plant into compost, in early spring. See

December 2019, no dig ease and success, harvests all year from good timings

5th December 2019 Featured, Winter

December 2019 The new gardening year is already underway, with winter’s simple and quick bed preparation of my no dig method. 1 Clear any plant residues and weeds – or if a lot of weeds la

Towards winter 16th November, harvests, no dig microbiology results, frost hardy vegetables

16th November 2019 Autumn, Featured

A principle which always works well (for me since 1982) is to mulch the soil and feed soil life, after clearing last harvests in the autumn. Any decomposed organic matter is good to use, enough that t

November 2019 clear asparagus, many hearts to harvest, sow broad beans, salads growing, make a bed

26th October 2019 Autumn, Featured

October was wet and November could be cold. I hope that frost won’t hurt some late harvests of fennel, which I want to cover with fleece. Most other autumn veg can stand light freezing, includin