Mid May 22 many new plantings, make lots of compost, my trials of propagation and other composts
15th May 2022 Featured, Spring
A brief update at a busy time of remarkable growth. No dig is a huge help in keeping up to date, most notably because there are fewer weeds to deal with. Nonetheless remove any new weed growth you see
READ MOREMid April 2022 sowing, planting, effects of covers, frost and pest damage, spring specials, no dig mulching, and storing vegetables
16th April 2022 Featured, Spring
Spring is rushing in. I hope you enjoy my tips from Homeacres, and a look at what we are up to. The featured photo is morning of 16th March, the lettuce cover briefly removed We have started an offer
READ MOREApril 2022 plant raising, how to transplant, using covers, no dig fun, compost, salads, beautiful food, NEW weekly advice
29th March 2022 Featured, Spring
Spring is here, in its usual stop start fashion. If you still have snow, may it melt soon. Be prepared for frost in many areas, and do not rush to sow plants which need warmth. For example I sow cucum
READ MOREMarch 2022 mega – no dig and timings, bed prep, new trays, new bargain bundle, varied germination, compost and compost confusions
10th March 2022 Featured, Spring
The second half of March sees much more sowing, planting, raking and weeding outside, than at any time since late summer. I’m sorry though that you may be reading this with snow on the ground in
READ MOREAlmost-spring late February, wind and weather, sow and plan, heat for plant raising, new no dig, woodchip
19th February 2022 Featured, Winter
January was sunny and calm, February has been dramatic and especially with recent high wind. Nearby at Yeovilton there was a 72mph gust at 1pm on 18th (Storm Eunice), and I’m grateful that the d
READ MOREFebruary 2022 how and when to sow, compost for no dig, trial results, mesofauna, pond creation
27th January 2022 Featured, Winter
Slowly the energy rises in February. I love the feeling of growth stirring, but be patient before making first sowings. I wait until mid February, then sow under cover radish and turnip multisown, let
READ MOREDecember 2021 feed soil life, new no dig, 50% discounts, new wallchart, broad bean planting, events
23rd November 2021 Featured, Winter
The wonderful and life-increasing jobs of early winter, if you have not already done them, are to feed soil organisms with mulches of organic matter on the surface. We are using 2.5cm (measure after i
READ MORENovember 2021 make compost, sow broad beans, soil and compost biology and weed mulch, clean brassicas
28th October 2021 Autumn, Featured
The change of clocks is matching a change of weather, and in both senses it’s now wintry more than autumnal. Follow my tips below for a last few sowings, making more and better compost, and enjo
READ MOREOctober 2021 Autumn arrives with transplanting more vegetables, seed saving, mulching weeds in asparagus, saving time
3rd October 2021 Autumn, Featured
September was lovely here, with gentle weather and abundant growth. We have continued to transplant outside, including spinach, spring onions, mustards, chervil and spring cabbage. In the green
READ MORESeptember 2021 pests, propagation, transplant and interplant, tomato, cucumber, bindweed
28th August 2021 Autumn, Featured
After some dry summers recently, when we dreamed of having more rain, this summer we had welcome rain and growth has been abundant. And the other result is slugs, snails and late blight, especially on
READ MOREJuly-early August 2021, no dig potato harvests, bindweed, seed saving, sow and transplant for autumn onwards
26th July 2021 Featured, Summer
Everything happens in July! No dig makes it all easier and quicker. You can replant a lot of your garden, after harvests of early plantings. Clear beds to replant as soon as you can, because every day
READ MOREMid June blog, rapid growth of vegetables and weeds, new intersowing, seed quality, garlic harvest, watering
14th June 2021 Featured, Summer
The cold spring is a distant memory! We have had three weeks of warm weather with day temperatures averaging 22 C and night temperatures averaging 9C 48F. Light levels are at a maximum so many plants
READ MOREJune 2021 summer follows a cold spring, new sowings, bindweed, rabbits, compost qualities, and no dig events
31st May 2021 Featured, Summer
Much of May has been cold, and this followed a remarkably cold April. The legacy is plant growth a long way behind what one expects at this time. May’s final five days have been warmer, afternoo
READ MOREMay mid month, no warmth! but leafy vegetables are growing well, tips for new plantings and covers
12th May 2021 Featured, Spring
In gardening one is often comparing the weather and conditions with those of the year before. So far, spring 2021 has been diametrically different to 2020! For those of you who started last year, you
READ MOREMay 2021, coping with cold weather and perennial weeds, new seedings new harvests, woodchip
28th April 2021 Featured, Spring
Weather rules. This is turning into a difficult spring, with temperatures significantly below average – in particular by night. In the UK, there have been more frosts in April than in any other
READ MOREApril 15th in a cold spring, fleece covers, transplant survival, new bed and compost heap
15th April 2021 Featured, Spring
A difficult spring so far, with a lack of warmth and frosts down to -4.5 C here, nine frosts in the last 12 nights. However it has been dry! And although that means watering new transplants, it also m
READ MOREApril 2021 new plantings and beds, growing seed from winter root vegetables, bioreactor of woodchip, cold ahead
29th March 2021 Featured, Spring
Transplanting times are here, but watch out for cold weather too. Plants ready now are frost hardy, such as lettuce, peas, onions and broccoli. I advise to wait until mid April before sowing frost ten
READ MOREMarch 2021 update new seedlings and sowings, new land, no dig bed prep, cool spring
13th March 2021 Featured, Spring
It has been a different kind of winter here, somehow cold and damp in a more damaging way than 2018, when we had bitter winds in March but with less damage to plants. See the broad bean photos below.
READ MOREMarch 2021 new no dig gardens, starting seeds, potting composts and trays
28th February 2021 Featured, Spring
This is a full on time for a propagation, although also there is no rush to sow tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes, sweetcorn et cetera. Spring is also good for making new beds, which you can actually do
READ MOREFebruary 2021 new no dig land, winter harvests and vegetables stored, wait to sow, compost and woodchip
30th January 2021 Featured, Winter
February looks to be cold. And we have not done much garden work in January… oh wait, I bought an acre of new land, the pasture to south east of Homeacres, which used to have horses. I find it
READ MOREDecember 2020 Bumper Blog prep for winter, new no dig beds and old sides, harvests, broad beans, energies
28th November 2020 Featured, Winter
Autumn has continued very nicely here, as in my new video. November has been almost as mild as October, and less wet with a close-to-average 76mm/3in rain. However winter is now arriving in the north